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During that evening, Prince Demetrjusz decided to take a walk. Roald had insisted on accompanying him, and Kenechukwa followed at a distance. During the brisk walk that Demetrjusz took, he had tried to lose himself in the city. There were several shops open, and he looked idly into the windows, until he saw a flash of silver. Pausing, Demetrjusz looked a little closer into a shop window.

With surprise, Demetrjusz saw a tiny woman standing before a display of brightly colored fabric. Her hair was white with a frame of black. Only one other person the prince had ever seen had that unique color pattern or diminutive stature—that of the figure skater from the previous charity performance. The prince’s sensitive ears picked up every syllable that the tiny beauty said. “Stefanie, if you could use this in the costume you are sewing for me. I have to get back before my curfew is up.”

With surprise, Demetrjusz saw a tiny woman standing before a display of brightly colored fabric. Her hair was white with a frame of black. Only one other person the prince had ever seen had that unique color pattern or diminutive stature—that of the figure skater from the previous charity performance. The prince’s sensitive ears picked up every syllable that the tiny beauty said. “Stefanie, if you could use this in the costume you are sewing for me. I have to get back before my curfew is up.”

Demetrjusz was in too deep of thought to notice that the woman that had infatuated him all day was saying her goodbyes. Dominique rushed out the door and straight into the immovable body of the prince. Demetrjusz gently steadied her little body with his hands, holding Dominique a little too long. Dominique looked up at Demetrjusz, her Kelly green eyes snapping their disapproval as she said, “Excuse me, sir.”

Dominique felt extremely annoyed at the tall, very handsome stranger who was holding her. Dominique raised her eyebrow at him when he did not release her and moved to the side. Prince Demetrjusz realized that he was breaking a cultural norm and apologized. Reluctantly, he released the little performer. And before Demetrjusz could stop Dominique, she had hopped on a public bus and was gone. Demetrjusz could still smell Dominique’s intoxicating fragrance of peppermint and lavender as he watched the public transportation carry away the elusive female. Roald and Kenechukwa walked up to the prince. Roald inquired, “Did you know that young woman, Your Highness?”


In this text, King Bendigeidfran rescues Dominique amidst a chaotic situation on a cruiser. He expresses gratitude to a spectral figure named Darshana-Amaia, promising to love and protect Dominique. Chaos erupts as the shuttle bay is breached, leading to the dead being pulled into space. Bendigeidfran hastily places Dominique on a couch inside a shuttle, intending to escape imminent danger. The group inside the shuttle, including Roald, Kenechukwa, and Abikanile-Nakisisa, prepare for a swift departure. Nashoba secures Dominique while Bendigeidfran comforts her, and they brace for a turbulent launch as they try to escape the impending threat, with Bendigeidfran giving the order to launch.


King Bendigeidfran turned to look at the young woman. Her face was flush from the exercise, but she was not out of breath. The king spoke in his language in a calm tenor, “Do you know why I am here, Dominique of Earth?” King Bendigeidfran expected Dominique to look at his son for translation, but when she answered in the same language with flawless grammar, he gained a new respect for the little woman before him.

Dominique paused before she answered King Bendigeidfran. She did not look to Prince Demetrjusz for direction or definition. In a sweet clear voice, Dominique said, “Your Royal Highness, you are here to evaluate my character and determine if I am worthy of the title Princess Dominique, Crown Princess of Caledonia-Debian and fitting mother of a royal heir.”

King Bendigeidfran leaned back and took a long breath. He was astonished by the candor he heard from this fascinating little woman. Dominique spoke better in his language than his own prime minister or the man’s daughter. It gave King Bendigeidfran a great deal of satisfaction to know that this tiny little woman had obviously learned the royal language not just to say platitudes but to actually carry on conversations with her mate’s father. King Bendigeidfran spoke huskily in his native tongue, “It would appear my son has coached you well with what to say to his father.”

Dominique’s eyes flashed a sparkling shade of kelly green, her temper was high, and she answered the king, “King Bendigeidfran, Prince Demetrjusz does not coach me or give me the words that I use. I am an intelligent woman, and I will speak my mind with clarity in all things.”

King Bendigeidfran drew in a shocked breath. No one other than his lost mate and his son had ever spoken to him with the fire that this little human had just used. Her head was high, and her eyes sparkled with the inner fire that she held. But the tiny creature maintained dignity and respect for his royal person. King Bendigeidfran was starting to warm to the tiny woman. He was very attracted to the little earthling. His eyes started to flicker with a tiny flame of passion.


The Children of the Dragon

It’s a futuristic Cinderella story with a twist. The empire of Caledonia-Debian stretches across the cosmos. King Bendigeidfran is an autocratic ruler who has his entire world upended by a petite ballerina. With much opposition to his actions, Bendigeiidfran takes this unique woman as his mate. The Dragon of the Universe did not realize his bride was the fabled Abikanile-Nakisisa of the House of Ozias –Theophanic. His queen holds a great power within her. The Abikanile-Nakisisa is a creature born only once in a thousand years. Kings throughout the universe have searched for, desired, and lost in their quest to secure this entity of the universe.

The monarchy of Caledonia-Debian flourishes under the joint rule of Bendigeidfran and Dominique. The royal couple’s passionate relationship is the envy of the galaxy.

King Bendigeidfran is devoted to his beautiful queen; he has upended traditions by mating with Dominique and elevating her to the position of queen in his kingdom. Dominique loves Bendigeidfran and will do anything to protect her mate.

Within Dominique is a symbiotic twin entity that attempts to take control of the incredible power of the Abikanile-Nakisisa. The inner priestess emerges when Bendigeidfran or her children are threatened. When allowed, the symbiotic twins can be deadly. The Abikanile-Nakisisa destroyed entire fleets of battleships when the kingdom of Caledonia-Debian was threatened.