She is a small but very strong person. She has never let her small stature stop her. Her feet touch the ground, and her arms will always reach for the sky. Her motto is “Service and Courage of Heart.” She enjoys bending the rules of physics in her stories. Her characters develop their own personalities, and it surprises her the direction they lead her in as she writes. While she was attending college, she met and married the love of her life. Mark has been her shield during the difficult times and her biggest source of strength. She has three wonderful children and five brilliant grandchildren. Her family is her source of inspiration while she pursued her diverse careers. They were her private cheering squad. Firstly, she gives all the credit to God who sustains her. Secondly, she could not have been successful without the support of her family and good friends. They had her back even when she knows that they thought she had lost what little common sense she possessed. She lives in Kansas. And yes, a tornado has almost relocated her little town here in the Land of Oz.

Josephyna Ries

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